Dr. Terry and Mr. Shein (Medican College of Wisconsin) gave the following results:
88% of study participants reported an increase of HGH had an increase of muscular strength.
81% of participants reported a study of HGH can do more exercise.
Average person to play, the increasing human growth hormone will be stronger and improve their ability to get a more intense for a longer period. This also means that a man had 70 years of muscle weakness can increase muscle strength, until you sit no longer need to remain in a wheelchair or a nursing home. Increased muscle strength equal to the freedom of movement, and this is important because older people could not sit in a wheelchair, on average, live only 9 months. The main reason why older people were forced to sit in a wheelchair, is a lack of strength in the Thigh or lower back. As you can see, maintain strong muscles can cause a disease that people are not moving again is to be avoided.
Secondary and professional athletes to increase their muscle strength to avoid the risk of injury and improve performance.
Increased levels of HGH can also contribute to the strength of the heart muscle. With increasing age, tend to weaken the heart muscle, which led to problems with blood pressure and heart disease. When the heart muscle becomes stronger, many are able to avoid these problems, and vice versa.
The strength of the skeletal muscles also declined to help the common diseases, more power to the bones and joints to keep order. This prevents excessive wear and premature deterioration.
The first and most important step in any kind of anti aging therapy is learning to be comfortable with yourself at whatever age you are. Life is not over at fifty, or sixty, or even eighty or ninety, unless you let it be. Life will change; when we speak of anti aging therapy, we mean less stopping age and more controlling it.