OXY Drinking Water is water that has been activated by using the Alpha rays through
Molecular processes e-Magnetic Resonance Technology (MReT), drinking water containing pure oxygen high, and drinking water contain minerals-An Organic low.
Oxygen (O2) is the key to all life. We can live several days without food and water,
but can not live for 4 minutes without oxygen. Even the brain cells we will die in
time of 15 seconds without oxygen. Each cell in the human body needs oxygen to
splitting, to grow and to stay alive.
Benefits of Oxygen:
* Improve memory and intelligence.
* Menegah cancer, asthma and various diseases.
* Increase metabolism.
* Reduces toxins in the blood.
* Stabilizing the blood pressure.
* Strengthen the heart and immune system.
* Prevent stress and nervous.
* Mempercantik skin and prevent premature aging.
Many diseases in this modern era that caused by lack of oxygen. This is a problem
serious world. With Oxygen will be able to regenerate body cells, help increase the absorption power vitamins and nutrients, boost the immune system and neutralize toxic substances in the flow blood.
An Mineral Water-Organic Low
The human body consists of 70% water. Water is the second most important substance for the body's oxygen
humans. Ingredients Water in our bodies:
Brain 90%, lungs 85%, heart 75%, 86% heart, kidneys 83%, muscle 75%, 90% blood.
Functions of water in the human body:
* Establishing new cells, maintain and replace cells damaged.
* Melaritkan and carry nutrients, oxygen and hormones throughout the body cells.
* Dissolve and remove waste substances from the body.
* As a catalyst in the body.
* As a lubricating the joints.
* Stabilizing the temperature of the body.
* Reduce the impact of the vital organs in the body.
Drinking water that contains mineral An-Organik Low:
Not all the minerals can be absorbed into the human body cells, especially the type of mineral
Hard water contains minerals that many An-Organic in the form of solution is the main cause various diseases. Minerals hard and escape the intestinal wall and enter the systemLymphatic and circulated throughout the body via the blood, this is the cause of the illness humans.
Dr. Charles Mayo, of Mayo Clinic states that the human body does not need mineral An-Organik of water. Because the minerals that can be absorbed by the human body is the usual organic minerals present in food derived from vegetables, fruits and meats. While all types of minerals
An-Organic is a foreign substance to the body and must be eliminated - the opinion of Dr. Allen E
Banik MD (The Choice Is Clear).
The greatest damage caused by mineral An-Organik, cholesterol and salt occur in arteries -small arteries and blood vessels. Hardening of the arteries and blood vessels occurs Calcification originated during you take in the mineral-organic and mineral water you drink into your body.
Dr. Paul C. Bragg, N.D, Ph.D (Water The Shocking Truth). Dr. N.W. Walker of Water can Undermine Your Health, stated that the blood of our 50 to 60% is water.
Naturally the human body already has a mechanism for disposal of mineral An-Organic and chemical materials other toxic, but its ability is limited. If the body's tolerance limit is exceeded, then the rest disposal of mineral-organic and toxic chemicals remaining will be left behind and accumulate in the body.
* An-mineral deposits in the kidney Organic, causing bladder stones and kidney stones.
* Sedimentation on the walls of blood vessels, can lead to cholesterol, Calcification and blockage of blood vessels.
* Deposits in bile will cause gallstones.
* Deposits will cause cataracts on the eye.
* In the liver will continue to cirrhosis (Liver Cancer).
* Deposits in Pancreatic Beta will inhibit the production of insulin.
* The buried inside the body and wrapped the body cells, it will inhibit the oxygen in the
react with the nutrients to the cells, which can cause cancer.
* Deposits will interfere with the intestinal absorption and digestion.
E-Molecular Magnetic Resonance Technology (MReT)
MReT is a water activation process by using the resonance corrugated high alpha
into the purified water. The process is a purified water is passed into a machine that took MReT alpha rays of the electric voltage. Water that has passed
This alpha wave resonance will form molecul H2O bonds become more stable. Because bonds between hydrogen ions and oxygen ions become stronger in the 104.5-degree angle
uniform. Water that has passed through this tool will become positively charged, and this is what called the Water Active.
Water that has enabled this will facilitate the entry into the cells and blood vessels so that the will react rapidly into every cell. This active water will work:
1. Prevent clotting of blood cells.
2. Prevent the formation of cells with irregular bond.
3. Reduce free radicals in the cell.
4. Cell energy generation.
5. Prevent cancer.
Water that has enabled many to help people with high blood pressure, stroke, trigeliserid,
cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, abscesses, smoothing skin, acne stone, healthy hair, migraine,aches, muscle tension, impotence, youth and others. And much testimony has been proving that the smooth flow of blood and the body's healthy to be healthy too. Many treatment concept is basically the circulation of blood. Because blood is a giver ate each numbering billions of cells in the human body.
Oxy Pure Water is processed through a 7 step process, with the addition of oxygen and water activation through the alpha rays through a process of Molecular e-Magnetic Technology (MReT)
1. Sendimentation Filtration
2. Carbon Filtration
3. Purifying Water
4. Ozonation
5. Jurgen Oxygen Process
6. Molecular Resonance e-MagneticTechnology (MReT)
7. Bottling and Filling
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