A discovery of experts is very surprising to the world of health, especially medical world.
HGH stands for Human Growth hormone.
Investigations about HGH, has made tens of years ago, about since 1920. Until now more than 28,000 investigations that have been made to find out about the benefits of HGH.
Results of the investigation of the scientists stir the medical world .Peak when the results of research and clinical studies that was published in the bulletin The New England Journal of Medicine, July 1990 edition,
Pituitary Gland
HGH issued by the pituitary gland that located at the head (brain). Results clinical studies, proving by increasing with the age of man, then HGH is out of the pituitary gland becomes little more than before or in other words the ability pituitary gland to issue HGH is fall off
HGH structure itself known just in 1995, which consists of 191 amino acids and are produced and start trading in 1997.
According to Dr. Ronald Klatz, M.D., President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, "Aging appears to be due in large part to the drastic decline of growth hormone in the body after adulthood."
Clinical studies show to HGH human growth hormone research, at age 21, the normal level of circulating HGH is about 10 milligrams per deciliter of blood, but at age 61, it's decreased 80% to only 2 milligrams. It is believed that growth hormone is what grows the cells, bones, muscles and organs, and it is the level of growth hormone after age 30 that slowly robs us of our youth.
After age 30, the secretion rate of HGH drops approximately 14% per decade. By 80, most people barely produce enough HGH to build a fingernail, explaining why injuries experienced by seniors take so long to heal.
The process of HGH,
HGH issued by the pituitary gland then ooze out to the liver for processing,
its results what we called IGF 1 or Insulin Growth Factor 1, which functions
to burn the fat and the other protein synthesis for muscle strengthening, the structure and skin elasticity, strengthens bones and cell regeneration and organ cells other organs.
We know that our bodies consist of approximately 60 trillion cel of each
time switch, such as red blood cel, age is approximately 120 days,
so in one year we have changed 3 times.
Cel required to build, among other necessary protein, fat, vitamins, minerals. Although the substance is available that does not have enough HGH that’s way cel bulding can not be done well ..
As a result of skin cells is not performing well, and reduce ability of
Muscle.energy level,immunse function, sexual performance, skin elasticity,vision memory retention, quality of sleep, and soon
That's why we need HGH enough.
Can be at the age of 40 years, the body produces HGH's ability to stay
only 20% compared to the time of birth, while the work of HGH is done
required of HGH does not change, then the task is not much work can be completed properly.
That is why the biological and performance we get old.
During this time, the person, when old age, always identical with the weak,
sick sickly, wrinkled. .
Should be in the old, is a time where we can enjoy the results of our efforts.
See picture below:
Who are older?
An Indian, living in wasteland, hard work, eating meat,
while the one of a Tibetan living in the mountains to eat vegetables, cool weather, lots of worship.
Based on the data we see that exactly the Indian performance with the very old and just 62 years compare the Tibetan is the even aged 91 years.
This is proof that old age should not have to go old for someone biology or performance .Weakly, sick, weak or sit on the wheelchair, and so forth, do not do
(This web adapted from some hgh books, hgh situs, medical lectures)
HGH is found to be very effective in men who try to build body muscle mass when they get older. It also proven to reduce the wrinkles and reverse the aging process.